In English
Nysäter Windfarm is allocated west of Härnösand and is one of the biggest windfarms in Europe. The 114 turbines were put in operation gradually from 2020 to 2022. Nysäter is an important part of building the green future of Sweden, producing renewable energy enough to cover more than 300 000 Swedish households.

short about nysäter

Two projects make one unit
The two wind farm areas Hästkullen and Björnlandhöjden have very good wind conditions and have been carefully chosen because of their exceptional location among several areas throughout Sweden.

How much power is produced?
With 73 turbines on Hästkullen and 41 on Björnlandhöjden, the wind farm will deliver almost 1.7 TWh every year.

Number of turbines - 114 st
State of the art turbine technology with a turbine capacity ranging between 3.9-4.5 MW per turbine, and with rotor diameters of 131-149 m, is used in the project. This means the turbines are sweeping over an area larger than a soccer field!

Turbine height - max 220 m
The turbines are 220 m at the highest point. This means that they reach 150-200 m above the forest where they reach stable winds and can produce more power.

Why was the windfarm built?
Sweden has the goal to become the first fossil free welfare state. Wind power will have a great role in this, since it's a solid power source fully equipped for Swedish conditions! Measured in reduced coal energy, the electricity from Nysäter reduces emissions equivalent to the emissions from 360 000 cars for an entire year! This has considerable impact and is a big step in the right direction for the climate!
The wind farm was built by Nysäter Wind AB, which is owned to 80% by Energy Infrastructure Partners, and to 20% of RWE Renewables Sweden AB. RWE Renewables has also been contracted to operate and maintain the windfarm. The entire construction of the wind farm, including building of roads and other infrastructure, foundations, erection of turbines and connection to the electricity grid was contracted to German wind turbine manufacturer Nordex.
The development of the Nysäter wind farm began back in 2010 by SCA, and was bought by EON (aquired by RWE in 2019) in 2011. In 2014 the permission to build the wind farm was granted by the authorities. In 2018, the agreement with Nordex was made, Energy Infrastructure Partners aquired 80% of the project and the joint company Nysäter Wind AB was created.
Actual civil works started in the fall of 2018, and the full wind farm was inaugurated in June 2022.